SalmonState Marketplace

Wild Source Salmon

Wild Source Salmon LLC is a small locally owned business providing a direct traceable source of sockeye salmon from Alaska's Bristol Bay to Eagle River, Wisconsin and surrounding communities. I started fishing in Bristol Bay after college in 2017 and almost immediately felt like I found my people. The fishing community in Bristol Bay is so unique and I felt a deep connection to the rich history of fishing there and the landscape that continues to sustain sockeye runs as if human interference never existed. In Wisconsin, we have access to the bounties of the Great Lakes and innumerable inland freshwater lakes, streams, and rivers. The community where I live understands that the best fish you can eat is one that you catch yourself. Sockeye Salmon has never been part of this equation, and I had the unique opportunity to share beautiful wild sockeye salmon from Bristol Bay and provide them with a fishermen direct connection. I aim to provide my customers with absolute transparency in how the fish I sell ends up on the tip of their fork and educate them on the sustainability of the last fully intact wild salmon fishery in the world.

Region: Bristol Bay