Tia Shoemaker

“My brother and I grew up very remotely, on an Alaskan inholding homestead in the Becharof National Wildlife Refuge, on the Alaska Peninsula. My first memory that really stands out was catching a 12, 15 pound monster Dolly Varden on one of the nearby creeks. I was maybe six years old and barely able to get it in.

Even as a three or four year old on the homestead, I remember very vividly recognizing ‘Oh my gosh, there’s animals everywhere. We can go out and catch fish every day.’ Watching my 2-year-old niece out here experiencing everything my brother and I did as kids — it makes me super grateful. It’s something that we should be allowed to experience as humans. One of my biggest nightmares is my little niece and nephew not being able to experience that — to at least have that opportunity, if they want it. Pebble is a threat we can say no to.”

— Tia Shoemaker, Bristol Bay resident, hunting & fishing guide

Read more of Tia's stories and statements:


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