Army Corps boots the State of Alaska out of the Pebble appeals process

ANCHORAGE- Friday’s announcement from the Army Corps that it denies the State of Alaska’s request for appeal of the Pebble mine project Clean Water Act § 404 permit denial is a win for Bristol Bay. “The State of Alaska needs to accept the reality that a majority of Alaskans, except Governor Dunleavy, have stood behind for decades: the Pebble Mine is the wrong mine in the wrong place,” said SalmonState executive Director Tim Bristol. “Friday’s decision further augments that now is the time for the EPA to step in and take action to reenact lasting protections for Bristol Bay: an EPA veto will stop this toxic project and put Pebble’s BS to rest.”


EPA Administrator Regan’s confirmation a win for Bristol Bay


Alaskans ask Biden Administration to Move Quickly to Protect Critical Alaskan Salmon Watersheds, Make 30×30 a ‘Reality’