SalmonState Marketplace
We are a small family run business that runs a commercial drift gillnet permit. My husband grew up in this beautiful state and when I met him he brought me here and I fell in love with the wild freedom here. We now have a family run operation, I have been working hard and providing local fresh amazing quality salmon to our locals here in Wrangell but now I would love to expand and bring this amazing fish to others. I truly believe that being out on the ocean catching and harvesting your own fish makes you truly appreciate how Alaskans live. I also try to educate myself and others about the salmon species and how we local fishermen are trying to help preserve wild salmon by using THA and working with local fish and game. I've also learned so much when it comes to identifying what salmon species belongs to which river and how to ensure that every salmon is at its best quality when given to its consumer. I honestly could go on and on with how I truly respect the livelihood of Alaskans and how fishing is more than income. I am honored to be a deckhand on my husband's boat and to teach our 2 sons about what it means to be living here and how rare it can be. With all that said, I would love to keep educating myself to educate others and to keep providing a healthy sustainable catch salmon to people all over!