SalmonState Marketplace
Matt’s Fresh Fish
Matt Marinkovich gillnets for salmon out of Friday Harbor, WA and Bristol Bay, Alaska. He sells his catch locally on San Juan Island in Washington through his "Fish List." If you live in or near the San Juans, then add your name to the Fish List on Matt's Fresh Fish website if you would like to receive notification of the next sale.
In July, Matt harvests sockeye salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The sockeye are filleted, frozen and vacuum-packed in Bristol Bay before being shipped down to Washington. The fish are handled with care and frozen quickly and efficiently after they are caught to assure the best quality product. Matt also sells the classic skin-on bone-in super-paleo canned Bristol Bay sockeye salmon.
In August, Matt fishes in his home state of Washington for sockeye, pink, chinook (king), coho (silver), and keta (chum) salmon. Every fish is bled and iced immediately, then dressed and packed in ice shortly after. Matt fishes close to home so the fish are usually available within hours of being caught.
Regardless of whether the salmon is freshly caught, frozen, or canned, we sell and deliver our fish directly to our customers.