Loretta riding a fat bike on the beach

Loretta Brown, Legal & Policy Analyst

Legal and policy analyst Loretta Brown joined SalmonState in 2016. She brings experience and expertise in the fields of fisheries and environmental law and policy. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from Saint Mary’s College, and a J.D. and Masters in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. She has a deep passion and appreciation for wild salmon and their natural habitat. Loretta spends her free time playing hockey, ultimate frisbee, and disc golf, as well as gardening, camping, and fishing.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

To collect and preserve sunshine so that in the depths of winter when it is dark and cold I can open a jar of warmth and brightness.

What’s your favorite wild Alaskan food?

Nettles, because they are one of the first plants to come up in spring, and for me they show that summer is just around the corner — and with summer comes salmon and berry season.