Dan Kirkwood

Dan Kirkwood, Southeast Alaska Futures Program Manager

Dan Kirkwood has over a decade of experience working in Alaska. As campaign manager for the Alaska Wilderness League, he organized advocacy and developed policy direction during the 2016 Tongass Land Management Plan Amendment. He has guided and developed wilderness film shoots and tours focused on seeing bears and wolves as the General Manager of Alaska Seaplane Adventures. As Co-Chair of the Juneau Economic Development Council’s Tourism Working Group, he has led visitor industry advocacy on land management and is working with the Sustainable Southeast Partnership to help make tourism work better by helping Indigenous communities engage more equitably with the tourism industry. Dan was invited by Senator Murkowski to testify at a Senate hearing on public land recreation and served on the Governor’s Roadless Rule Advisory Panel. His MS in sustainable development and conservation biology investigated how to improve management of tourism impacts on wildlife. Dan lives in Juneau where he is currently working on developing the next great bear viewing spot and supporting a new strategy for Southeast Alaska.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

To be a math wizard

What’s your favorite wild Alaskan food?

Sitka black-tailed deer